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Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Fire Thought For The Day 006

Every time we have a tragedy we say never again. We create new rules and guidelines so that it should never happen again. Unfortunately it does happen again. Whether it is because of complacency, carelessness, over confidence or whatever, it still seems to happen.
LACES has been adopted by DNR New Brunswick. I feel that this is a very good thing. LACES, if put in place really sums up all of the watch out and standing fire firefighter orders. This is not to say we should never look at these watch outs or orders, we should. It is just so much easier to implement LACES.
LACES is also very easy to remember. Get in the habit of repeating what LACES stands for every time you put on your boots. Say them out loud, people hearing you will wonder if you have lost your mind. This will spark a conversation about LACES. They likely will still think you to be a bit off center. What the heck, we all likely are if we think about it.
Anchor Points
Escape Routes
Safety Zones

- Always post at least two Lookouts. If you need more post them.
- The Lookout must be one of your most experienced, trained, and trusted individuals. Remember they are responsible for warning you of impending danger in enough time to prevent you and your folks from harm.
- Always action fire from good save Anchor Points.
- Always maintain Communications with everyone. This is a must.
- Always have two marked and timed Escape Routes. Remember to constantly reevaluate them.
- Make sure every one in the crew knows where the Escape Routes are.
- Always have at least one Safety Zone. Make sure all know where it is.
- Always implement LACES on every fire, no matter how large or small.
- It is one thing to say that we will, it is another to actually do it. Remember practice good habits.
Did You Know?
It is a proven fact that if you do something every day for 15 days at the same time, you then start to do this thing without thinking. In other words it becomes a habit. Example, do you think about brushing your teeth when you do it? Do you think about shaving when you do it? You likely are like me and just do it without thinking about it. Wouldn’t it be great to automatically implement LACES without even thinking about it? Practice good habits.

Until next, above all else Stay Safe! Tex

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